by Carol Harris
Experienced speaker leading sessions with groups of all ages, including museums, schools, historical societies and clubs
Talks illustrated with artefacts and/or Powerpoint
Historical views on current issues
Safety and numbers – the history of migration, refugees and the UK ‡
Two forward, one back: women’s fight for equal pay in the UK ‡
Women and the Vote ‡
First World War
Women on the Home Front in WW1
Women, the vote and the war to end all wars*
WW1, women and sport
War Artists in WW1
Second World War
Making Do -- Wartime fashions 1939 - 45 **
Women in World War Two - the home front **
Women in World War Two - the services; WRNS, WAAF, ATS **
Lady Denman and the formation of the WI *
Women’s Land Army**
Stella Reading and Women’s Voluntary Services**
War Artists in WW2
Putting on the Ritz: 1920s and 30s fashions **
Making Do -- Wartime fashions 1939 - 45 **
Militant medics – doctors and the fight for women’s suffrage ‡
Doctors on the home front in WW2**
Expecting the unexpected -- public health in WW1 and WW2 ‡
Doctors and polar exploration ‡
Foundling Hospital and Georgian England
Thomas Coram and the Foundling Hospital
Building Bloomsbury
Polar Exploration
Ernest Shackleton and the Endurance expedition*
For bookings and further information
Please use our contact page, or
Email harbro@btinternet.com
Mobile 07891 646455